Legal Notice
The present document establishes the General Conditions of Use of this web page (future website) that the society which registry data are the following:
Nemesio Zubia S.A.
CIF: A 20075289
Address: Bº ZUBILLAGA 71, 20560 OÑATI (GIPUZKOA)
Telephone: (+34) 943 781 410
Fax: 943 716 093
MERCANTILE REGISTRY of Guipuzcoa on 16-11-82
VOLUME: 1.328
LEAF: SS-6.500
The use of the services and/or contents of this website from the user supposes and express its adhesion and acceptance to all the General Conditions of Use in the actual version of the website, as well as to the policy of data protection.
NEMESIO ZUBIA SA cannot assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect, unsuitable or illicit use of the information appeared on the website of NEMESIO ZUBIA SA. With the limits established by the law, NEMESIO ZUBIA SA does not assume any responsibility derived from the lack of veracity, integrity, update and precision of the data or information contained on its website.
The contents and information of NEMESIO ZUBIA SA website, are created by properly qualified professionals. Nevertheless, the contents and information do not tie NEMESIO ZUBIA SA nor constitute opinions, advice, budget or advisings of any type because it is merely an offered service with informative and divulging character.
Website of NEMESIO ZUBIA SA can contain links to other pages that NEMESIO ZUBIA SA cannot control. So, NEMESIO ZUBIA SA cannot assume responsibilities by the content that can appear on those pages. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and the rest of contents on this website are exclusive property of NEMESIO ZUBIA SA or their licensers. Any act of transmission, distribution, cession, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication, must count on the express consent of NEMESIO ZUBIA SA.
In the section “request of information” NEMESIO ZUBIA SA does not ask for or store any personal character data of the sender of the electronic mail that is generated when complimenting the form. NEMESIO ZUBIA SA will give answer to the received electronic mails and it will eliminate immediately them from its computer systems.
The personal character data that, where appropriate, could be found in the information request section, included in a “Clients” file responsibility of NEMESIO ZUBIA SA, properly registered in before the AEPD, for the single purpose of managing the relations that our organization maintains with its clients.
However, NEMESIO ZUBIA SA in accordance with the norm of Data Protection, communicates that if you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition you can write, enclosing a copy of your national identity card or driving licence to: Bº Zubillaga, 74- 20,560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) or to fax number 943 716 093.